| IAMPS 2000
Split, Croatia - September 11-15, 2000
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| IAMPS 2000 was hosted by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia in Split / Croatia from September 11th to 15th, 2000. | |
| Presentations:
Air Force and Women - A short historic and research insight.
Cepulo-Komar, M.
Allocation of the next job for military personnel.
van Zevenbergen-Snel, B., Reulings, P. and Bos, M.
Attitude Patterns of Royal Air Force Personnel in Relation to Retention.
Haysman, K.
Bundeswehr Abroad - Consenquences for Soldier's Motivation.
Mackewitsch, R., Biehl, H. and vom Hagen, U.
Commanding vs. Leading: New Challenges in Our Days.
Fradique, F. and Pamplona, A.
Comparing the Cognitive Decision-Making Strategies of US and UK Naval Sonar Operators.
Masakowski, Y. and Hardinge, N.
Computer-Assisted Bonnardel's Sinusoid for Group Administration with Mine-Clearing Personnel.
Topic-Ibrahimpašic, F.
Construction and Validation of Cognitive Stress Appraisal Questionnaire.
Žarak, V. and Denacic, D.
Coping With- Stress During Military Basic Training.
Buško, V. and Kulenovic, A.
Examined Interactions in a Changing Military Educational Environment.
Boradjieva, E. and Gatev, G.
Management Selection for the State Border Service for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Arndt, K.
Military Unit Effectiveness and Readiness: A Theoretical Framework and a Practical Application.
Léveillé, L., Villeneuve, M. and Izzo, R.
Optimized Manning for the 21ST Century.
Masakowski, Y.
Organisational commitment and turnover among military personnel.
Jetten, H. and van Gelooven, R.
Perception of leadership characteristics among students of the Royal Military Academy and young career officers.
Mylle, J.
Personality of Polish soldiers and their way of stress coping during Bosnia peacekeeping mission.
Truszczynski, O., Terelak, J. and Turek, M.
Portuguese Military in Volunteer and Contract Situations: Reasons Why They Quit.
Da Silva, J., Luis, R., Matoso, T. and Santos, C.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Croatian War Veterans; Incidence and Psychological Features.
Komar, Z. and Vukušic, H.
Prevention of Onset and Development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia.
Zelic, A., Trlek, M. and Trut, V.
Procedure of Psychological Autopsy in Suicide Cases in the Armed Forces of Republic of Croatia.
Bender Horvat, S., Zelic,, A. and Štefan, S.
Psychological Aspects of Recruitment: Conception for the Swiss Army XXI.
Boss, P.
Psychological Climate Survey Methodology.
Sekula-Golubicek, J., Horvat, D. and Kacic, L.
Psychological Model of Combat Stress.
Pavlina, Ž., Komar, Z. and Filjak, T.
Psychological Model of Soldier Bravery.
Filjak, T. and Pavlina, Ž.
Psychological Predictors of Success for Romanian Officers Applying for Defence Attache's Position.
Pertea, G.
Psychological Prevention of Drug Addiction in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia.
Koren, B. and Zelic, A.
Psychological Support and Ventilation Programme for Croatian Army Mine-Clearing Personnel.
Štefan, S. and Koren, B.
Psychological Support Programmes for Pilots of Croatian Air Force.
Trutanic, V., Stražicic, N. and Koren, B.
Psychologist's Limits as a Member of International Mission.
Tichy, V., Klose, J. and Bartoš, V.
Psychosocial Conditions of Czech Soldiers in KFOR.
Bernardova, K., Strobl, D. and Sykora, J.
Quality of Work Life: A Case Study.
Mylle, J.
Question-driven Explanatory Reasoning about Devices that Malfunction.
Graesser, A., Olde, B. and Lu, S.
Recruiting for the Military when the Economy is booming.
Lescreve, F.
Research of Effect of Hyperbaric Pressure on Dynamics and Efficiency of Complex Mental Processing.
Drenovac, M. and Petri, N.
Societal Factors, Attitudes and Desirable Behaviours of Military Personnel.
Court, M.
Surveying performance appraisal.
Jepsen, M.
The Austrian Military Psychology Doctrine.
Frise, E. and Lohwasser, C.
The Factors of Formation of Psychich Disorders of Combatants with Damages of Locomotor System.
Lytaev, S.
The German-Netherlands Corps After Five Years: The Culture of a Multinational Unit.
Klein, P. and vom Hagen, U.
Trauma Scene: Initiation of the Process of Positive Resolution of Traumatic Experiences in Groups and Individuals.
Trlek, M.
US Soldier Peacekeeping Experiences and Wellbeing After Returning from Deployment to Kosovo.
Adler, A., Dolan, C., Bienvenu, R. and Castro, C.
Working in the Zone: Maintaining Optimal Readiness in U.S Soldiers.
Castro, C., Huffman, A., Dolan, C., Bienvenu, R. and Adler, A.
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