| IAMPS 2001
Prague, Czech Republic - May 21-25, 2001
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| In 2001, IAMPS organized two events. The first was a workshop titled 'Military Recruitment and Retention in the 21st Century' that was hosted in The Hague, The Netherlands from April, 18th till 20th. The second event was the annual conference hosted by the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic / Department of Social Policy / Section of Personal and Social Policy MoD in Prague / Czech Republic from May 21th to 25th, 2001 | |
| Presentations:
Please note: The title of presentations delivered at the workshop in April start with the word 'Workshop'.
Augmented Cognition: New Design Principles for Human-Computer Symbiosis.
Schmorrow,, D., Worcester, L. and Patrey, J.
Computerized Testing of Cognitive Functions.
Klose, J. and Brichcin, M.
Factors Involved in Combat Readiness in Africa.
Shinga, N. and van Dyk, G.
Hardiness, Gender, and Leader Effectiveness in West Point Cadets
Bartone, P.
Military Psychology at the Austrian International Peace Support Command.
Slop, H.
Personality Disorders Diagnostics through the C.R.Cloninger`s Theory.
Preiss, M. and Klose, J.
The Impact of Lost Leave on the Medical Readiness of US Soldiers: It’s not a European Vacation
Adler, A. and Castro, C.
Workshop: A more attractive selection procedure for the Belgian Armed Forces.
Devriendt, Y.
Workshop: An Overview of Activities in Support of Strategic Human Resource Planning.
Collin, I.
Workshop: Czech Armed Forces are Preparing a New Selection System.
Soumar, L.
Workshop: Improving Military Recruit Quality Through Smart Classification.
Lescreve, F. and Scheurs, B.
Workshop: Predicting Retention Rates of U.S. Soldiers Stationed in Europe
Castro, C. and Huffman, A.
Workshop: Project First Term: A Longitudinal Investigation of Attrition and Retention of First-Term Soldiers in the U.S. Army.
Tremble, T., Strickland, W. and Sipes, D.
Workshop: Psychological tests for personnel selection in Estonian Defence Forces: New tools and new areas of utilization.
Toomela, A. and Ints, H.
Workshop: Recruiting Research in the U.S. Army and Navy.
Borman, W., Penney, L., Horgen, K., Birkeland, S., Hedge, J., White, L. and Held, J.
Workshop: Recruiting Soldiers.
van Gelooven, R. and van Zevenbergen-Snel, B.
Workshop: Recruitment in Spain: A Sociological Research.
Michavila, N.
Workshop: Research for the Canadian Forces Recruiting Project.
Syed, F.
Workshop: Retention and the US Army Officer in Europe.
Huffman, A., Adler, A., Castro, C. and Dolan, C.
Workshop: Significance of Chronometric Indicators of Mental Functioning in Pilot Selection.
Drenovac, M. and Tislaric, G.
Workshop: The Australian Defence Organisation (ADO) Personnel Environment Scan 2020: Recruitment and Retention Issues
Greig, J.
Workshop: The drop-out rate during training: in line with expectations?
van de Ven, C.
Workshop: U.S. Military Recruiting Initiatives.
Sellman, W.
Workshop: Voluntary Turnover in the Belgian Army: Unmet Expectations and the Role of Information Provision.
Scheurs, B. and Lescrève, F.
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