| IAMPS 2002
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - May 20-24, 2002
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| IAMPS 2002 was hosted in Amsterdam / The Netherlands from May 20th to 24th, 2002. | |
| Presentations:
A Market Approach to the Labor Allocation Problem: The Use and Valuation of Job Incentives.
Blackstone, T.
Assessing the Impact of Army Life on Families Living in Europe.
Burrell, L., Castro, C. and Durand, D.
Benchmarking Military Attitude Surveys: Attitudes as Levers to Retention - Preliminary Report.
Love, U., Latimer, S. and Greig, J.
Combat Unit Commanders Training of the Stress Management, Applied in the Army of Slovak Republic.
Oberta, R. and Smykala, P.
Designing Job Profiles for the Swiss Armed Forces.
Boss, P.
Development of the Swiss Army Interest Inventory.
von Moos, J. and Schwitter, M.
Discrete goods with multiple attributes: An experimental study.
Van Boening, M., Blackstone, T., McKee, M. and Rutstrom, E.
Dynamics of Psychological and Sensory Parameters from Wounded.
Lytaev, S. and Laychovets, G.
Evidences Proving Validity of Indicators of Psychological Evaluation and Assistance During the Special Training Courses for Officers.
Pertea, G. and Isari, S.
Improving Aviation Selection Tests Through Development of Improved Flight Training Criteria.
Arnold, R. and Dolgin, D.
Improving Military Recruit Quality Through Smart Classification Technology.
Lescreve, F.
Measuring the Human Dimension of Unit Effectiveness – The Unit Morale Profile.
Riley, M.
Military Psychology: Applications to Recruitment in the Singapore Armed Forces.
Chan, A.
Moderators of Psychological and Physical Health in a Military Assessment Center.
Thomas, J. and Wright, K.
Officers' Reasons for Resignation.
Berggren, A. and Ivarsson, S.
Overcoming Stressful Experiences: Military Families in the Frontline.
van der Kloet, I. and Moelker, R.
Prediction of Attitudes Towards Narcotics and Prediction of Increased Risk for Depression in Recruits with New Psychological Tools.
Toomela, A.
Psychological Ability in the Croatian Recruiting and Military Service Ability Assessment System.
Cippico, I.
RAF Culture and Ethos in the 21st Century.
Haysman, K. and Johansen, D.
Revision of the Canadian Forces Attrition Information Questionnaire.
Morrow, R.
Revision of the Canadian Forces Attrition Information Questionnaire.
Mylle, J., Sips, K., Callaert, J. and Bouwen, R.
Status of the U.S. Navy Recruiter Selection System.
Held, J., Alderton, D. and Bearden, R.
The Effects of Early Recruitment Practices on Organizational Attractiveness: A Service Quality Approach.
Schreurs, B., De Witte, K., Derous, E., Proost, K., Glabeke, K. and Andriessen, M.
The Future of Psychodiagnostic Methods.
Kral, P.
The Impact of Military Mobility Requirements on German Soldiers and Their Families.
Ebenrett, H.-J.
The Problem of Retention in a Downsizing Military: The Case of the Czech Air Force.
Cervinková, H.
The Trait-Self Description (T-SD) Inventory: Research in Four Countries.
Syed, F.
Tomorrow's Human Computer Interaction from Vision to Reality: Building Cognitively Aware Computational Systems.
Schmorrow, D and Kruse, A.
U.S. Army Recruiting Research: An Update.
Borman, W., White, L., Horgen, K. et al.
Ways of Improving the Selection Procedure for Special Forces Personnel.
Klein, R. and Kreim, G.
What can modern neuroscience technologies offer the forward-looking applied military psychologist? - Exploring the current and future use of EEG and NIR in personnel selection and training.
Kruse, A. and Schmorrow, D.
Work Climate Surveys in the Danish Armed Forces.
Jacobi, B. and Kruse-Blinkenberg, S.
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