| IAMPS 2013
Bern, Switzerland - May 27-31, 2013
Preparing for Future Wars - the Role of Psychology. | |
| At the end of May 2013 , the International Applied Military Psychology Symposium (IAMPS) was held in the Bern Barracks. Over 50 military psychologists from 25 countries presented and discussed current research projects in areas such as selection, personnel retention, motivation, morale, decision-making processes and leadership.
The motto of the conference was 'Preparing for Future Wars - the Role of Psychology.' This took into account the fact that in war and war-like conflicts of the 21st century, the 'human' factor is likely to be more decisive for success and failure than ever before. Asymmetrical conflicts, technological progress and cultural differences pose high demands. Add to this the fact that, due to real-time media dissemination, the misconduct of a single soldier can discredit an entire operation. So nowadays, it takes strong, psychologically trained personalities to successfully manage the diverse challenges of a military operation. Against this background, the symposium provided a platform to discuss the importance of psychological knowledge and its application in the military context.
A more comprehensive report was published in the Swiss Military Journal (Written in German). Open the document | |
| Pictures:
1 Conference Day 1
2 Conference Day 2
3 Conference Day 3
4 Conference Dinner
5 Wednesday evening at Barengraben
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| Presentations:
"Good Character" in the Swiss Armed Forces: Development of a Valid Classification of Military Values and Virtues
Eggimann, N., Ruch, W. and Annen, H.
A Qualitative Content Analysis: Stress Factors and Job Satisfaction in the Swiss Air Force
Hubmann, P. and Annen, H.
A Study of Individual Differences in Military Decision-Making
Tan, Y. J. and Furnham, A.
An Analysis of Dutch Joint Operations 2011-2013: "Joint Morale" or "Us versus Them"?
Versteeg, R.
Cultural Property Protection Training in the Military
Svec, L.
Effectiveness and Repeatability of the Trier Social Stress Test for Groups (TSST-G)
Bösch, M., Sefidan, S., Ehlert, U., Annen, H., Roos, L. and La Marca, R.
Evaluation of the Cadre Selection Instruments in the Swiss Armed Forces: A research outline
Goldammer, P. and Annen, H.
Implicit Measures of Attitudes Toward Gambling
Plotka, I., Blumenau, N., Igonin, D., Simane, M. and Bambulak, M.
Improvement of the R.O.K. Armed Forces Personality Test at the Conscription Stage
Koo, J. H.
Integrating Content and Process Models to Study Turnover in the Canadian Forces
Gauger, J., Dobreva-Martinova, T. and Mantler, J.
Interdisciplinary Counseling Program: Results of a Project for Military Families under Great Strain
Bruns, S. L. and Hanssen, N.
Military Psychology in Switzerland - A Short Story with a Long History
Annen, H.
Military Psychology: Coming of Age in a New World Order
Gouws, J.
Modern Military Operations: Adaptability, a Requirement of Leadership
Rodrigues, L. and Rosinha, A.
New Conflicts, New Tests: But an Old Enemy - Attrition
Irvine, S. H.
Orientation Toward Leadership and Leadership Self-Identity in Military Leaders
Rosinha, A., Peiriço, A., Barreiro dos Santos, L. and Sarmento, M.
Perspective Taking Increases Leaders' Egoistical Allocation in a Resource Dilemma: The Consequence of Person-Situation Interaction
Bucher, Chr., Naeff, S. and Annen, H.
Positive Psychology: Contributions of Character Strength and Orientations to Happiness to Satisfaction with Life and Work
Ruch, W.
Psychological Aspects of Homicide
Strobl, D., Bernard, C., Lastovkova, J. and Koten, P.
Psychological Factors Contributing to the Military Moral Bystander Effect: Is there a Solution?
MacIntyre, A. and Bradley, P.
Psychology and 21st Century War
Matthews, M. D.
Public Support for Military Missions: Trends and the Impact of Casualties
Vos, A.
Raising Attractiveness of Service in the Austrian Armed Forces: Development of a Short Monitoring Questionnaire for Recruits
Brugger, Ch.
Relationship Between the Psychosocial Performance and Will to Defend the Country among the Finnish Conscripts
Leskinen, J. and Sinkko, R.
Results of a Survey on the Effectiveness of Current Recruitment and Selection Methods, comleted by Qualified South African Special Forces Operators
van Heerden, A.
Self-Perception as Positive Outcomes of Combat amongst Soldiers
Rawat, S. and Wadkar, A. J.
Task Specific Conscript Selection in the Austrian Armed Forces
Graf-Langheinz, A. and Brugger, Ch.
The Importance of Emotion Analysis and Emotion Regulation in Future Warfare
Cosic, K., Popovic, S. and Kovac, B.
The Relation between Engagement and Burnout in Life and Work Satisfaction of Young Cadets
Rosinha, A., Ferreira, A., Duarte, E., Sarmento, M., Sgnaolin, J., Sousa, M. and Silva, D.
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